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Our Affiliates

Our inspired and dedicated professors and industry leaders committed to helping students chase their passions.


Dr. Fuhe Jin

Assistant Professor of Management

Dr. Fuhe Jin is an Assistant Professor of Management at The College of New Jersey, specializing in organizational behavior, leadership dynamics, and virtual work. Before academia, Dr. Jin held key managerial roles in various businesses across Asia, where she gained first-hand leadership experience, managed cross-functional teams, and achieved significant sales growth. Her research is distinguished by two methodological review papers published in The Leadership Quarterly: "Network-based Approaches to Leadership: An Organizing Framework, Review, and Recommendations," and "Polynomial Regression Analysis and Response Surface Methodology in Leadership Research." Both papers systematically synthesize advanced methodologies into leadership research, advancing our understanding of leadership phenomena at multiple levels of analyses. Her scholarly work is available to view on Google Scholar and ResearchGate. 

Christian Belloso

Founder & CEO of TimeCharge

Christian Belloso is the Founder and CEO of TimeCharge, a startup dedicated to revolutionizing electric vehicle (EV) charging. Even as a young and upcoming entrepreneur, Belloso has engaged himself in becoming an expert of software engineering and clean energy solution and has headed in clean energy research and experienced himself in his work as a software solution specialist. Belloso has since founded TimeCharge realizing the barriers and concerns faced by many EV owners and dedicated his visions to modernizing and capacitating a sustainable future in EVs and streamlining their ownership. He has immersed himself in startup management and seeding for over two years and has learned through experiences what it really means to manage a startup and solving real world issues.

Dr. Mark McGovern

Associate Professor of Health Behavior and Society and Policy

Dr. Mark McGovern is an Associate Professor at Rutgers School of Public Health in the Department of Health Behavior, Society, and Policy. Prior to joining Rutgers, Dr. McGovern was a Program on the Global Demography of Aging Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University and later joined academia at Queen’s University Belfast as an assistant professor, co-director at the university’s Centre for Health Research, and a research fellow at the university’s Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation. Dr. McGovern is an expert in the fields of health disparities, health economics, and the life cycle effects of inequality and more importantly has conducted numerous research projects investigating the links between socioeconomic status, child stunting, and subsequent development as well as others addressing other areas of the relationships between health disparities and socioeconomic statuses. His scholarly research has been published in many prestigious and internationally recognized journals, namely his paper “A review of the evidence linking child stunting to economic outcomes” which was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. More of his scholarly work is open to review on Google Scholars.

Interested in Helping Out? Let us know!

We are grateful for any and all assistance and time professors and industry leaders can spare us and it would mean a lot for us and the students on the platform if you would be willing to spare your effect for them. A general addressal to the concern of commitment is that: No! You do not have to be 100% available, and students understand that you will be busy with your other commitments. 


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