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Cup of Coffee

Student Opporunities

In partnership with Hire School Hires

Working from Home

Listings with...



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So What is

Imagine LinkedIn Job Listings, or an Indeed Job Board but specifically for and dedicated to ambitious high school students looking to get their first professional and extracurricular experience. 


That is exactly what HighschoolHires is: a platform specifically operating as a job board, or more like an internship and opportunity board, for high school students. From opportunities in business and finance to medicine to engineering to law and civics, organizations from across the US and various fields have come onto HighschoolHires to extend their opportunities to other students across the world. 


With a mission and dedication to students aligning with the mission and goals of Innobitious, HighschoolHires has joined with Innobitious to give the most to students. HighschoolHire's simple and user friendly User-Interface makes it easy to search for opportunities in various fields or in various locations that include remote and explore their passions and ambitions. 


Check out Joey Bunag, the Founder and CEO of HighschoolHires from our Team Page!

HighschoolHires is an independent organization in partnership with Innobitious. Their main page can be found at​


With this partnership, some of Innobitious's listings coming from the Opportunity Listings forum will be posted onto HighschoolHires while others will not. Be sure to check out both for a variety of opportunities that go beyond internships into activities such as competitions where student participants can enter and have the same experience of other recognized competitions.

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