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What is CodeMarvels?

CodeMarvels offered virtual class-like calls for older students, generally in middle school, to learn either Java or Python. Both languages offered a strong foundational ground for bursting into programming as Java had been a long standing and widely used language while Python stands as an upcoming new language with many new applications into data science and AI. On top of that, Prathyush held other meetings for younger students, generally in elementary school, teaching block coding using applications such as scratch to conceptually and idealistically prepare the students for less visual coding languages. With the classes, Prathyush hoped he could replicate a classroom like setting where while he teached, he interacted with his students with questions and comparison to his content’s real life application and place. But more so, Prathyush hoped he could be a mentor or teacher for the students where while they learned from his and took part his classes and completed his assigned homework, they could also reach out to him through his established contant systems and always have a response or an answer or an effort to reach out more a solve problems. This way, Prathyush could offer a system that other students could rely on when trying to just get started as for him, he never had the guidance and exactly pointed out the starting point for his foundations. However, Prathyush believes that the learning curve is steepest at the start, especially for a foundational topic such as programming where after understanding fundamentals, the more complex structures have similarities between languages and become much easier to learn. His work as CodeMarvels hopes to inspire others and most importantly, change a reality he experienced in his journey so could receive the necessary encouragement and support through their early computer science endeavors. 

Meet the Founder: Prathyush Yeturi

Prathyush Yeturi founded CodeMarvels with his friend during his sophomore year in high school. As an emerging high school, Prathyush started out his passion for computer science and programming on a whim during COVID-19. Inspired by both his parents being computer engineers but not yet being in a high school setting, Prathyush took to the internet, through Google and Youtube and found online tutorials to self teach a variety of coding languages starting with Java and then into more complex ones like Python where he taught himself many libraries like Django, Flask, and Pandas, and into web development languages such as HTML, Javascript, and CSS. Prathyush has engaged himself with such fields through his own coursework and certifications coming from IBM including certifications in “Building Generative AI-Powered Applications with Python”, “Developing AI Applications with Python and Flask”, “Python Project for Data Science”, “Python for Data Science, AI & Development”, and “Databricks Accredited Generative AI Fundamental.” While chasing his passion for computer science however, Prathyush wanted his work to be dedicated to a greater purpose, in which he hoped to spread the knowledge he had learned through his self-guided experiences and guide others in a way that he didn’t have. Prathyush still wishes that students from around the world take more initiative on their ambitions, especially in computer science, and reach out to him to learn more about his experiences teaching or about his other projects that include an app developed with an AI-backend! You can learn more about Prathyush’s passions and projects and get in touch with him through Innobitious, but also his own personal website at

  1. What is CodeMarvels?

  2. Meet the Founder: Prathyush Yeturi

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