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What is FormuLATTE?
FormuLATTE is a podcast that invites experienced and successful guests who are renowned for their expertise in business ownership and management to speak and provide advice and insights on the field. But, it's more than just a podcast, it's a vibrant platform where the next generation of business leaders is forged. Co-founded by two ambitious high school students, FormuLATTE dives deep into the real stories behind business success, offering listeners a front-row seat to the experiences of seasoned entrepreneurs, investment bankers, and industry trailblazers. With every episode, FormuLATTE uncovers the secrets, strategies, and personal journeys that have shaped the careers of today's most successful professionals. This isn’t just about learning the ropes; it's about being inspired to craft your own unique path to success.
Each episode is an opportunity to explore the multifaceted world of business through the eyes of those who’ve lived it. The podcast connects with a diverse range of professionals—from CEOs and startup founders to accountants and investment bankers to other professionals as well in fields like law—to delve into their personal and professional experiences. These candid conversations are rich with insights, covering everything from overcoming challenges to seizing opportunities in a rapidly changing world, topics essential to understanding business fundamentals. FormuLATTE is your go-to resource for practical advice and inspiration, whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, businessman, or professional in law or another field, FormuLATTE reveals the intricacies in management and business than have important nuances in fields beyond business.
Background and Purpose
While exploring their local community’s interest in business and entrepreneurship, the co-hosts at FormuLATTE noticed a troubling pattern. When peers and friends were asked, “What do you want to do when you grow up?”, for the majority of those who mentioned fields in or related to business, a follow-up question discovered only around 30% of those students could confidently talk about the specific aspects of business and the work behind business. Many high school students who were interested in business, lacked a clear understanding of what it truly involves beyond selling a product. FormuLATTE was created to bridge that gap, offering a platform where real-world business knowledge meets accessible, relatable storytelling. While the co-host enjoys and loves the networking and opportunity to talk to their guest and explore their own endeavors in business, the podcast stands also to teach other students about the intricacies of business. More than that, the co-hosts understand the lack of accessibility of knowledge surrounding business and hope that their podcast can start to address the informational gaps and foster a more concrete background for students aspiring to learn more about business.The most important message FormuLATTE hopes to express by hosting a number of experienced guests from various industries is this however: while one person may have reached success in one way, a different path can give the equal and same amount of opportunities to accomplishing one’s personal goals. In this, while inspiring students to dive deeper into the field, FormuLATTE hopes that students will be more confident and appropriately risk-taking in their endeavors.
More so, FormuLATTE hopes to display and showcase the importance of leadership in the business world. A characteristic that each guest displays perfectly through their experiences in high management and executive positions. For example, FormuLATTE has hosted business executives such as Dyne Technology’s Founder and CEO, Arnav Mishra, and managing partners from other various firms including Adam Elias from Bolster Bruder Elias. To FormuLATTE, the characteristic of leadership is essential in any business setting as understanding accomplishing goals must be a top priority for business owners is a key fundamental aspiring students should understand.
About the Founders
Shreyas Mishra and Saransh Malhotra are the visionary high school students that co-host FormuLATTE. Each brings their own unique passions and experiences to the table and shape and extend FormuLATTE beyond a podcast.
Shreyas Mishra has been captivated by the world of business since joining the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) in 9th grade. With a keen interest in the analytical side of business, Shreyas found that existing resources at school didn’t quite satisfy his thirst for knowledge however, through his few participating in FBLA conventions, he had a chance to meet many industry leaders in-person and talk to them firsthand about their ways of going around business and management. Sheyras has also had the opportunity to learn more through his internships and believes that his experiences and lessons learned can be told, valuable, and available for any other student. In this hope, he hoped that he could be a role model for others aspiring to get more involved in the business world leading him to co-found FormuLATTE, a platform that not only allows him to dive deeper into the business world but also empowers others to do the same. Shreyas is driven by a love for innovation, a relentless work ethic, and a belief that anyone can achieve success with the right mindset and tools.
Saransh Malhotra, on another side, targets his aspirations towards law and policy and becoming a lawyer, but his journey revealed the critical intersection between law and business. Influenced by his mentors, a neighbor he knew since childhood who was a lawyer and a partner at the Bolster Bruder Elias law firm, Saransh had begun his exposure to law from a young age. On top of this, his early involvement in his local Speak Up club at a young age introduced him to the excitements of speaking to present, to inspire, and to mobilize, Saransh co-founded FormuLATTE as a way to continue his love for communication and speech but also to explore and share the interdisciplinary nature of professions, for example the relationship between law and business administrations. He’s passionate about showing others how business principles apply across fields and helping students realize the broad opportunities that await them.
Vision for the Future
The future of FormuLATTE is as ambitious as its founders. For one, as college approaches for both founders, they plan to use their campus community and networks as a way to connect with more notable business leaders and provide more episodes and advice to all its listeners. With goals to reach 10,000 listeners around across the US within the coming year and feature guest speakers from powerhouse firms like Microsoft, Google, and Goldman Sachs, FormuLATTE is on a mission to make a significant impact. The founders are committed to spreading the message that everyone has a unique path to success and that with the right guidance and resources, anything is possible. As FormuLATTE continues to grow, it will remain a beacon of inspiration and knowledge for students everywhere, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the business world and beyond.
What is FormuLATTE?
Background and Purpose
About the Founders
Vision for the Future