Passion Projects
High school passion projects allow students to explore their topics of interest beyond what they can learn in classroom or it may be something they wanted to explore as an extension of their interest in their curriculum. Students must have will and ambitious to creatively design these projects that showcase their imaginative, critical thinking, and initiative to extend their own learning using their own hands. These projects also aim to pursue students' personal interests beyond the classroom and possibly help benefit or contribute to their community. For students, these projects will hopefully display a genuine side of their character showing their passion and self-driven will to see to change or solutions or presentation of their passions.
Self-driven students are able to make a project pertaining to any subject. This can range from blogs, newsletters, inventions, organizations, small business like online stores, and even hobbies! The Innobitious platform features some ideas for passions project you may hope to start and also those other students have created that may inspire you to do the same.